Life is not a ‘rat race’. It is a maze! Here are the three basic things you should know about the people, places, and things that comprise the maze.
Life could be viewed as a race, if everyone was actively working to get from one end of the labyrinth to the other. However, not everyone is working to get to the same place. People are taking a multitude of actions. So as not to be confused by the commotion, remember these axioms:
- People, generally, care nothing about you, your ambitions, or your future unless it impacts them.
- Individuals, regardless of their intellectual abilities, are concerned about themselves and they have their own agenda.
- Each person is intentionally or unintentionally working to better, worsen, or maintain their current circumstances.
- Individuals progressed, regressed, or (were) birthed to the level you encounter them.
- (Most) people are uncertain, distracted, or apathetic about the world at large.
- People are exactly where they want to be in the maze. If they are not, you will see them actively working (not talking) to change locations.
- People in all segments of the maze are working to influence the behaviors of others. (The main drivers seem to be stability/control or personal gain.)
- Each person is engaged in a given activity for reasons unique to them. (Not all people are engaged in a specific activity for the same reasons as another person.)
- A person does not need a good or complex reason to like or dislike you. (A person can hate or love you for the simplest reason. Detractors may work to undermine, mislead, and/or slander you; Supporters may assist, guide, and/or uplift you.)
In each section of the labyrinth there are entry ways to other sections. On either side of the entry, there are people who take interest in who comes and goes. Your ability to successfully negotiate a given entry is determined by three factors – luck, timing, and (your) personal qualities. Luck is defined as all things unexplained – chance, accident, divine providence, etc. Your person qualities (wisdom, strength, and/or beauty) and timing are entwined. That is, your mix of qualities at your moment of ingress combined with what’s trending in the minds or the people surveilling the entry point will determine your level of acceptance or rejection.
Everything in the maze costs something. So, remember the following:
- If something is free to you, it does not mean the item is without cost. Someone other than you paid for it.
- You are lucky to get what you pay for.
- You (or someone else) will pay for everything you get.
- If someone offers you something, you do not have to accept it.
Try looking at the world through these lenses. Does it help you understand things a little better? Or, does it further confuse you?