My Review of ‘Operation Fortune’ Is Simple And Classics Friendly

The film Operation Fortune Ruse de Guerre was not an ordinary action film. It was a movie with a special message to tech billionaires.
On the Surface
Operation Fortune is a simple, modern story with 4 main characters – A veteran defense sector billionaire, a topnotch spy, and two young tech sector billionaires. (The tech sector billionaires are siblings.)
The 3 billionaires are engaged in a scheme to “change the world” for “the better”. The super spy, representing an intelligence agency that is skeptical of the billionaire’s objectives, is working to unravel the true nature of the billionaire’s plan. Because the group under surveillance is very small, the super spy takes an unconventional approach to infiltrating the players. That is, he recruits a famous Hollywood actor to gain access to the defense sector billionaire. (The billionaire loves the actor’s movies.)
Beneath the Surface
Once the spy’s proxy (Hollywood actor) is in place and the investigation underway, the film evolved into a web of Aesop Fables that culminated with a special message for tech billionaires. The fables included the following:
• The Eagle & The Jackdaw – The tech billionaires believed that since they acquired their wealth fast in the tech sector, they could outwit and eliminate their partner before he could realize what was happening. (Lesson – Do not let your vanity make you overestimate your powers.)
• The Wild Boar & The Fox – The tech billionaires didn’t realize, while they were devising a plan to betray their partner, that the defense billionaire was always sharpening his tusks. (Lesson – Preparedness for war is the best guarantee of peace.)
• The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing – When the tech billionaires executed their plan of betrayal, the defense billionaire responded with a demonstration of force that made it apparent that they had made a mistake. (Lesson – The evil doer often comes to harm through his own deceit.)
• The Boy & the Filberts – The tech billionaires realized, after the demonstration, they had ensnared themselves in their own plot. (Lesson – Do not attempt too much at once.)
Special Message for Tech Billionaires (The Takeaway)
“No plan of operations reaches with any certainty beyond the first encounter with the enemy’s main force.” That is to say, before a conflict, warring parties have a plan of action. However, it is the conflict that determines winners and losers not the warring party’s ambitions. That being said, one would do well to respect the domain of others. You are in the tech sector. Disrespectfully, encroaching on the domain of others may earn you enemies that are more experienced and knowledgable than yourself. After all, you are entering a game that is already underway.
What do you think?
Aesop. (1919) The Aesop for Children. Library of Congress. Retrieved July 27, 2023, from
Wilhelm, B. (2020) Kriegsgeschichtliche Einzelschriften. MV-History.
Richie, G. (Director). (2023) Operation Fortune: Ruse De Guerre [Film]. Lionsgate Filmsl